
Presidential Debate 2: The Wrap-Up

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/10/2016 2:04:52 am PDT

This ought to be a lesson to all the American evangelicals who are on the Drumpfskind train: once a populist strongman feeds the blood-lust of the masses, your religion won’t matter so much:

Once-powerful Philippines Church divided, subdued over drug killings


Opposing the drug war “in some locations becomes a dangerous job”, said Father Luciano Felloni, a priest in a northern district of the capital, Manila. At least 30 people, including a child and a pregnant woman, have been killed in his ‘barangay’, or neighborhood, where he is setting up community-based rehabilitation for drug users.

“There is a lot of fear because the way people have been killed is vigilante-style so anyone could become a target … There is no way of protecting yourself.”

Another priest, who like several others asked for anonymity because of possible reprisals, said it was risky to question the killings openly. Dozens of drug addicts and pushers are being killed every day, but anyone who criticizes Duterte’s campaign could suffer a similar fate, he said.
