
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Shakes Up His Campaign as Biden's Lead Grows

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/17/2020 10:51:20 am PDT

re: #263 John Hughes

Illegal? How do you know before you’ve seen a lawyer. Pretty hard to do when you’re dead.

Are you high? People in camo with no, ZERO designations as to who they are kidnapping people of the street by pulling them into cats and talking off? Who knows they’re not 3%ers? Or some of Trump’s very fine people? Just who the fuck are they? If you’re not wearing a badge (minimally) you’re fucking nobody.

And me? I’m a woman who’d rather not be kidnapped and potentially raped by a group of unknown men. So yeah, dead might not be so bad (and do not argue this with me, having been raped I’d literally rather die than deal with that again. Got it?)