
Overnight Ocean Thread

Aye Pod11/01/2009 9:32:20 am PST

re: #139 Sharmuta


Oh wait- you really think liberals are the adults and conservatives are children, don’t you?


Wingnuts are children, but how dare people on the right question the patriotism of those adults on the left. This is far from an accurate characterization- of both sides, since no one here except you thinks teh left iz perfek.

This bears no relation to the post you are quoting. You portray ice as some kind of extreme leftist who admits of no criticism of the left and who thinks that all wrongs are committed by conservatives, who are all wingnuts. Yet the very text you quote completely refutes this assessment:

Said iceweasel : “This is a pretty partisan way of putting it, and I don’t think it captures reality, but the bit about conservatives does capture a bit of how the deranged wingnut type on the right thinks— the kind of people who think antiwar protesters must hate their country. (It’s not an accurate characterisation of all conservatives IMO, let me say, just the deranged wingnut type, before people freak out and think I’m arguing that,”

I’m sorry Sharm, I’m obviously not tuned into the reality that you are tuned into, the one in which ice’s post says what you think it does, or want it to.