
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Morrissey

ckb12/18/2009 2:03:27 pm PST

1. My reading of the WSLS story and the professional biography of Emerson linked above tells me that “Investigator” is synonymous with “Detective” in that Sheriff’s office. So Emerson is an employee of the Sheriff’s office, a law enforcement officer.

2. I’m not sure it matters that this law enforcement officer thinks that if it is determined the baby was murdered, the killer cannot be prosecuted. It only matters what the local and state prosecutors think. I’d like to hear from them - they should have an opinion on Emerson’s comments.

3. This story is really about Emerson’s comments, including his allusion to a previous similar case and his professional opinion that this potential murder cannot be prosecuted. I think the comments alone, from a senior member of the Sheriffs office, are newsworthy, even if Emerson is wrong. As I hope he is.

4. The story is only about abortion insofar as Emerson’s opinion that the potential murder here falls under the partial birth abortion law. Again, I’d like to hear a prosecutor’s opinion on that. As a matter of fact, I’d like to hear anyone else’s opinion. Can we assume there is implicit agreement from the Sheriff and prosecutors since we haven’t heard from him? This all hit the news 3 days ago. Where is everyone?

5. I think insinuating that Emerson is a ideologue and/or fabricated the whole thing is premature.