
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/22/2010 3:48:18 pm PDT

re: #253 windsagio

dude, I respectfully suggest drop it, this is a bad place to go.

Respectfully, why is it a bad place to go?

Would you be afraid to say Tom Riddle as well?

If I am going to call sheet wearing, cross burning folks who consider themselves good Christians out for being backwards barbarians, I will certainly call out Islamic terrorists. If I am going to call out the fools in Mea Sharim who throw rocks at people for driving on Shabbos out, I am certainly going to call out Muslims who ululate to decapitation videos.

No where in that is it implied that all Christians are sheet wearing cross burners. However, some are.

No where in that is it implied that all Jews throw rocks at people who drive on Shabbos. However some are.

No where in that is it implied that all Muslims are brutal barbaric theocratic thugs who chop heads. However some are.

Not one of those listed subgroups gets a pass.

Why are you giving Islamic crazies a pass when you would not give one to a sheet wearing Christian or a stone throwing Jew?