
PBS Photo: Polar Ice Cap 2000 vs. 2010

Gus1/02/2011 7:52:49 pm PST

re: #256 Dark_Falcon

Yeah, but instead of riding into town on a bull, Stalker Mongo rides into town backward on a jackass.

I’d try and rationalize all of this but that’s been a waste of time. Charles is out there and they’ve been harassing him for more than 2 years. They have his name and photos plastered all over the internet and follow his every move. Look at the crap comments those freaks left at Thanos’s site when he outed himself. Chin Shit™ gets his picture posted here and Rodan the Rooster™ has another mental bowel movement. Essentially they all act like a bunch of spoiled juvenile delinquents when they’re caught with their pants down — which is rather frequent.