
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/10/15

danarchy12/11/2015 8:11:19 am PST

re: #253 gwangung

The unintended result for term limits is that lobbyists become more powerful than they are now, as they now become the institutional memory of the capital. Also, getting to know the personalities and political interests of your fellow legislators is still useful despite the nihilst tendencies of current Republicans.

I think a couple of decades is plenty of time to go from new guy, to old guy, and to pass on institutional knowledge to the new new guy. Also many of those long term congressman will go on to the senate, so you can still have a 40+ year career in DC. I am not saying it should be one or two then done, but there are too many structural and systematic benefits to incumbents that make the bar for entry too high for new comers.