
Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson Wears Necklace of Bullets on CNN, Interviewer Doesn't Even Mention It

ObserverArt12/29/2015 9:49:22 pm PST

re: #246 freetoken

The story here really isn’t a necklace.

The story is Trump hiring someone like Katrina Pierson as his spokesman.

And the necklace only supports that story, which is this: Trump associates with some of the looniest and worst political antagonists in this country.

It’s his freak show. He’s the big barker, they help him do the contortions and the snake lady bit and such. He pulls into town with the trucks and they set up the displays. Come one…come all! See The Political Death Defying TRUMP who ate the media!

Katrina Pierson is a full on loon. This smacks of Trump purposely sending out his side show performers to say outrageous things and they can call it more political correctness in the media. There will be more of this. They do want to get in peoples faces and do this low-cost but effective bullshit to grandstand on the most base issue: White people want to bitch and moan about whatever and everyone has to by law listen to them…because fucking whaa, whaaaaaaaaaa!