
Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

Jay C3/07/2022 7:29:53 am PST

re: #266 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Just to fuck with the Russians, if I were on the UKR side in these “negotiations”, I’d agree to that first term only pending an internationally-supervised election/referendum, to make sure that the Ukrainian people had a say in any agreement.*
No need to speculate on how Zelenskyy would fare in a free election at this point….
On a more-practical level, I think it IS going to be the fate of the Crimea and the Donbas “republics” which is going to be the sticking-point: I am of the unfortunate feeling that Ukraine is going to have to give up any claim to either one or the other to finally end the war**.

* Yeah, letting people have any say in how they’re governed is anathema to Putin (or most Russians), but like I said: “just to fuck with them”…

** THIS phase of it, anyway.