
When Airbnb Goes Horribly Wrong: "Super Host"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))5/26/2024 7:55:20 am PDT

re: #274 mmmirele

The only time I actually saw a tornado was when I lived in Utah and a tornado crossed through downtown one day. Previous to that, I’d lived nearly 22 years in Texas and never saw one. I haven’t seen one since—but I have seen “dust devils”, most recently a week ago on the front property of a church near my mother’s house.

We lived close enought to lake Michigan to be spared the worst, but I heard one once in the distance (or at least my mom told me that sound in the distance on a stormy night that sounded like bricks being dumped was the sound of a tornado and nobody better call my sainted dear departed mom a liar)