
Take a Ride on the Hudna-Go-Round

alegrias1/17/2009 1:10:17 pm PST

re: #201 Iron Fist

I have to disagree with you there. Osama’s been dead for a while now. Just because we didn’t cut off his head and play soccer with it doesn’t make him any more alive.

The One that our enemies are already laughing at is Obama. I imagine that there are many enemies of America who’ll be drinking a toast to the new king on Tuesday.

* * * *
Dear Iron Fist,

I want Osama bin Laden to be dead too. Without actual evidence of his death, Al Jazeera and sympathetic terrorists and their supporters in the media continue to broadcast Bin Laden’s messages as though he were alive—you know, his spirit, like Che Guevara & Fidel Castro’s causes tingly leg feelings in leftists and jihadists. This must stop.

Unfortunately, Al Qaeda still has the means to “virtually” throw shoes at our President, at America, and thereby embolden the cowardly jihadists they lead to murder innocents at will all over the globe.

(Did you see today’s Wall Street Journal article saying Osama’s son has moved from Iran to Pakistan? There’s plenty of Osama wannabees we ought to be killing and making it public.)