
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

J.S.2/26/2009 7:02:07 pm PST

re: #250 Naso Tang

I think that at times what happens is that insults and abuse are hurled one side versus the other — and everyone’s caught up in the heated exchanges, and meanwhile the more important aspects are overlooked. For example, I don’t care about her beliefs about invisible entities or what she claims took place in year X, etc, etc. What I do care about (and perhaps what others should care about) are things such as

1) How, precisely, do her beliefs impede her scientific inquiries? This needs to be specified; it needs to be pinpointed; elaborated. If necessary, perhaps her “research” needs to be re-examined. Examined rigourously…perhaps including her PhD dissertation.

2) How are such individuals (assuming that question number 1 has been addressed) allowed to obtain advanced degrees? Is some sort of disciplinary action required? Who were her supervisors?

(imo, these matters may be more important than whether or not she’s believing that “sin causes cancer.”)