
Video: Fights Break Out at Tampa Town Hall

eschew_obfuscation8/07/2009 11:33:44 am PDT

re: #81 Killgore Trout

I watched a little bit of it but I can’t really stomach it this morning. It’s not a reasonable conversation. Think about it: when Code Pink threw hissy fits at Iraq War hearings did it make you stop and think? Did it persuade you to consider their point? No. Like most reasonable people you cringed with embarrassment and possibly a little glee as the screaming maniac was dragged kicking and screaming out of the room. This is no different. It’s a turn off to reasonable people. This hysteria is going to have to stop eventually. I just can’t listen to it anymore.

I think this is first and foremost about sending congressional representatives the message that the people are demanding to be represented rather than told to shut up because they don’t know what they’re talking about.

It’s demanding to be listened to, not ignored.

If this were only a few rabble rousers “sent” to cause disruption,
a) large portions of the audiences would not be agreeing with them
b) polls wouldn’t indicate significant opposition to the legislation as it’s been discussed.