
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All10/08/2009 2:11:36 pm PDT

Hey everyone, I joined a little while ago, but never made a formal introduction of myself, so I figure now is a good time. I found LGF through memeorandum and read through for a while, but always found the registration section to be closed. Once I managed to register, I jumped in with both feet, made a fool of myself, and learned quickly that if you can’t back what you say in here, you’ll get blasted. :)

Now for stuff you probably could care less about ;)

Personally, I live near Atlanta, I’m Libertarian in bent and voted that way in every election I’ve been able to. Musically I’m all over the map, ranging from Ludovico Einaudi to Dimmu Borgir, from Gwar to Android Lust.

Mostly I’m happy get to talk to people who don’t strike me as bat shit crazy. ;)

Thank you Charles for letting me stick around and thanks to the rest of you for giving me a chance to join in the conversation from time to time.