
Overnight Video: Tempest Milky Way

Killgore Trout8/24/2011 9:55:04 am PDT

truthers: Did NATO Stage the Green Square “Celebration”?

Fake footage suggests event was another psychological operation like the toppling of the Saddam statue

The buildings in the Al-Jazeera footage are noticeably lacking in details seen in the genuine photos, and look like nothing more than a studio set.

The most obvious discrepancy is the stylized design which appears above the smaller archway in the genuine photos. This is nowhere to be seen in the Al Jazeera clip.

Similarly, above the larger archway on the left side of the genuine photos, there is another ridged design element on the building which is completely different in the Al-Jazeera footage.

The fake scenery has purportedly been set up in Qatar for purposes of psychological manipulation. The Stop War Crimes website also reports that the footage showing victorious rebels in front of Gaddafi’s Bab al-Azizia compound could similarly have been faked.