
Michele Bachmann's Iowa Co-Chairman Endorses Ron Paul

RogueOne12/29/2011 4:39:26 am PST

OWS occupy Ron Paul event, get confused:

Ron Paul Iowa Event Interrupted By Occupy Protesters

DES MOINES, Iowa — Some 20 protesters interrupted the start of a Ron Paul event at the Iowa State Fairgrounds just as the GOP candidate and Texas Representative began to speak, at about 7:30 p.m. local time.

“Ron Paul, why do you hate gays,” Heaven Ryan, 16, shouted. “Why do you hate the 99 percent?”
The protesters continued to yell near the back of the room, while a few Paul supporters stood to yell back. A staffer stood between them, asking Paul’s supporters to ignore the group and remain calm. John Kurr, a 49-year-old Paul supporter, tried to reason with the Occupy group, saying the candidate is for the 99 percent.

“He’s not for the corporate people, he’s for the little guy,” Kurr told HuffPost. “He’s for everybody. He’s not for Wall Street.”

Some Occupy protesters agreed. As Kurr spoke to the group, one woman said she supports Paul. Another protester, 28-year-old Des Moines resident Clarke Davidson, told HuffPost he also likes Paul, but wanted to stand in solidarity with his fellow Occupiers.

Later in the event, Davidson ran toward the front of the auditorium waving a sign that said “End the Fed” and started a chant of the same.