
'You Only Live Twice' - the Nancy Sinatra Remix

piratedan9/10/2013 7:57:03 am PDT

so to sum up… Assad reportedly launches chemical weapons on his own population, it gets leaked to the world via Doctor Without Borders…. initial world poutrage but after an initial round of saber rattling by the West and the Arab League nothing happens, so the UN sends in folks to confirm the attack….

Those folks come under fire and accuse the Assad government of covering up their deed with artillery fire…

deny deny deny, a few salvos putting forward that it was the rebels that did this not the government and those are pushed back because just how in the hell would the rebels deliver the weapons….crickets

The UN resolution gets blocked by Assad’s proxy player Russia as Putin stirs the pot letting Assad know that he has his back.

Obama steps up and says that something needs to be done and we’ll bomb the shit outta Syria if we have to… because a) no one should be using those weapons and b)…. see point a. He says he can act unilaterally if he wanted to, but plays the “support of the people” card and starts coalition building and then heads off to the G20.

Backroom whispers start up as the administration starts to show the intel… opposition hypocrisy from the RWNJ brigade and the moonbats who think it’s a brown people issue and we should just “stay out of that neighborhood”. Cameron fails, G20 happens, some quiet conversation as Putin gets a feel as to whether BMO is full of shit or not.

Putin senses that BMO isn’t full of shit. Offers a way out to allow them to confiscate those weapons and “transition” them. Putting the Russians in play, allowing them to take the “diplomatic” lead. All it has cost the US is some rhetoric and gas. The Russians now have the onus of keeping their proxy playing by conventional means and somehow in all of this Obama has betrayed/mishandled/stumbled/lucked into a position that still gets Syrians killed but at least not by American weapons and if it all goes south, Putin can write off Assad and our forces are still in the neighborhood.