
60 Minutes Backing Down on Benghazi Report? Update: CBS Pulls 60 Minutes Benghazi Video Page

Yeah Sure WhatEVs11/08/2013 6:55:58 am PST

re: #270 Dark_Falcon

This assumes that wingers actually care about the military. They don’t as proven by booing a guy who was active military - but gay, the pols prove it by fucking over military with every piece of legislation they draft (or vote down), The military are pawns only and Starbucks looking to hire them will not sway the wingnuts.

And this is the saddest goddamned thing. These people fight in our name, they do as they are told, and then come home and get screwed. This alone is enough to make me despise Republicans. To them, these American men and women - The Troops - are memes alone. It’s disgusting.