
On the RNC Platform Finding NSA Programs Unconstitutional

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/24/2014 4:38:25 pm PST

As I wrote yesterday, I sort of hold Bezos and the Waltons in the same light.

Walmart is vilified (sometimes justifiably) for being a major factor in dismantling locally owned commercial outlets and thus centralizing wealth into the hands of the few (the Walton family.)

However, has also played a part, though on a smaller scale than Walmart, in helping to destroy locally owned stores, and before the installment of internet tax laws also reduced funds going into local municipalities’ coffers.

That Bezos is now taking this same Walmart/Amazon philosophy to what was once considered one of this nations’ leading newspapers does not surprise me.

Repeating what I wrote yesterday: Bezos will now how digital runners in digital running shoes sprinting up and down his digital massive warehouse of opinion pieces that he will sell as his digital “news” paper.