
The Chuck Johnson Saga Takes a Dark Turn

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/01/2015 9:18:07 pm PDT

I have to say with all due respect to Caitlin Jenner, I am amazed she can self-identify as a Republican with all the hatred from the Republican party and conservatives that goes to transgendered people. I don’t expect her to be a Democrat by default because of that mind you since certainly there are other views that she may have but holy fuck the hostility to LGBT people by the Republican Party and its activists couldn’t be more obvious. That said I wish her happiness. She doesn’t deserve to be called a man in a dress that just wants to go to the women’s room to spy on women either. Doesn’t deserve a little creep like Ben Shaprio calling her mentally disturbed and saying she mutilated herself either.