
Funny Clip of the Day: Ben Carson to CNN Anchor: "You've Probably Been Charged" With a Crime

goddamnedfrank4/07/2016 7:20:08 pm PDT

re: #47 MsJ

What was wrong with what he said? I thought the exchange was very well handled.

The problem was it came off as the same shit #BLM has been hearing for 18 months now, a variation of “black on black violence is the real problem.” Bill should have known better, defending the Superpredators comment at this point in the campaign, when Hillary has gone so far to convey how much she regrets it, just showed how much of a loose, easily provokable cannon Bill is. It doesn’t do any good to remind people she was referring to violent criminal gangs if that fact isn’t immediately followed up by an acknowledgement that it was at best an inarticulate term and that the ‘94 Crime Bill resulted in gross racial injustice.

People need to acknowledge their limitations and admit to learning from their mistakes, Bill isn’t doing Hillary any favors by being anything less than contrite, earnest and open about the aspect of his Administration’s legacy.