
And Now, Something Beautiful: Becca Stevens, "Regina"

Dr Lizardo11/13/2017 10:58:39 am PST

re: #262 HappyWarrior

There’s an alternative as well - retire the franchise. Like this, I humbly suggest.

[Interior of M’s office. Bond enters room, M sitting at desk]

M: Good work on that last assignment, 007.

Bond: Thank you, Sir.

M: I know you’d probably like a bit of a rest and I quite understand that. However, there is one assignment I need you for. One of our operatives, a Station Chief, has gone missing, in Jamaica, of all places….rather peculiar, as not much really happens in Jamaica. We know he was cooperating with the CIA, at their request, on a case involving the disruption of rocket launches from Florida - some type of advanced signal jamming. From Strangways notes, he’d mentioned one chap in particular. Here’s a dossier; eyes only of course.

[M slides the dossier across his desk to Bond, who picks up and reads through the cover page]

Bond: Very well. So, any suggestions for how I should go about finding this Dr. Julius No that Strangways has mentioned?

[Cut to black, cue James Bond theme].