
New Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Trump's Behavior Encourages White Supremacists

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/29/2018 5:01:08 pm PDT

I’ll go back to the top of the thread and read, but I had an interesting discussion with the former chairman (mayor) of my village board. He is a staunch Republican supporter.

As someone noted on a previous thread, my Post Office discussion would spread within seconds across town, and wondered how that would affect my reëlection.

The mayor emeritus came by my house just as my wife and I were leaving to the water lab. He stopped to tell me that he thought I would win the election here in a landslide, considering what I do on the village board and my work on the water system, along with my answers to the questionnaire in the paper on positions affecting the village.

He also noted my Nazi-curious neighbour had gone round town a couple weeks ago knocking on every door (he didn’t come to mine quelle surprise) seeking votes and mostly was told to take a hike.

He went on to complain about our state senator passing out BS about healthcare (he is running for reëlection, alas there was no Democrat on the ballot to oppose him), praised the service he gets at the VA and is wondering why the GOP is trying to tank that, and talked about the plunging stock market essentially wiping out his mother (she is very old as our former mayor is a Vietnam vet). As our state senator is also Vietnam vet, he said he’s not sure he can trust those of his generation (and particularly Vietnam vets) to act in the interest of constituents.

So that was a surprise, as he specifically came to me to tell me that. Perhaps that talk was worthwhile at the Post Office. I thanked him for coming by my house and chatting.