
Mickey Guyton: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

mmmirele11/10/2020 6:31:44 am PST

Reporting from the fringe of charismatic evangelicalism—one of the “profits” I hate follow (Jennifer LeClaire) is hedging her bets about whether Trump will be the next president.

Trump Prophecy: President Faces a Nebuchadnezzar Moment
ByJennifer LeClaire
Published on November 5, 2020

Vice President Joe Biden appears on the verge of becoming President Joe Biden barring a last-minute miracle, but could that miracle depend on the president’s repentance?

Well there’s her hedge…She’s comparing Trump to Nebuchadnezzar, who was prideful and did not repent and who, according to the Book of Daniel, God made crazy.

LeClaire believes Trump is supposed to be a two-term president but she’s hedging her bets. One of her “covering” leaders, Chuck Pierce, has said this won’t be settled until January 18, but it will be “swampy.” My personal hope is that these guys get the hope of a second Trump term stomped out of them and in a hurry.

Apparently this “word” was met with a lot of opposition as not being fully supportive of Donald Trump, who is God’s anointed. *shakes head*