
21st Century Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "The Heart That Never Waits"

Jay C8/28/2021 9:14:39 am PDT

re: #245 Nojay UK

My reading of this letter from the Kennedy family is that they believe this peon, this lesser being, Sirhan Sirhan deprived the Kennedy family from a rightful place in the halls of power by killing one of their Golden Children, a special being who had been born and raised to rule the American lumpenproletariat and for that reason Sirhan Sirhan must continue to be held in confinement more than 55 years after he was arrested and convicted for the crime he committed against the American aristocratic class.

I was going to downding this comment, but thought better of it, and will proffer a respectful rejoinder instead.

Robert Kennedy’s social status was, in a rare instance, irrelevant to the circumstances of his murder and the prosecution of his murderer. To be sure, Kennedy was a son of wealth (and the privileges it bought), but his assassination would have had the same import and impact had he been a working-class kid who put himself through Harvard tending bar, or whatever. And Sirhan Sirhan’s act (as noted elsewhere), was as much a crime against the whole of the American body politic as it was a personal assault against Bobby Kennedy.
And yeah, sometimes a “life sentence” should mean “life”: we all know The System is very often (“usually” to the cynic) biased and unfair, but once in a while, it should be allowed to work as intended. Regardless of the probability of a paroled Sirhan going out and shooting someone else, which is (IMO) irrelevant in this case.