
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

HoosierHoops5/15/2009 9:30:27 pm PDT

re: #253 JPL17

Don’t “bullshit” me. YOU’RE the one who said it was “standard” for a Catholic university to award an honorary degree to a politician who has no sympathy for abortion survivors and who has threatened to put every Catholic hospital in the country on the auction block. Obviously, your claim that this is standard is BULLSHIT. I simply challenged you on it, and so far you’ve failed to give a cogent reason why a Catholic university should give an honorary degree to this radically anti-Catholic politician.

Sorry to drive this up on you..I’m sorry..
Ok. Colleges hand out degrees like candy..Personally I think I should have 6 already..I was just saying if you are a POTUS..Dem or GOP..You are going to roll seriously in the degrees..This is nothing new,,just saying..
Again..Sorry..didn’t mean to pick a fight