
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion10/07/2009 10:33:58 pm PDT

re: #265 Thanos

That’s another thing I wish the GOP would stop peddling… “Clean Coal”. They can reduce the icky chemical pollutants and particulates only so much. They can NOT reduce the amount of CO2 emitted unless they somehow change the laws of physics. They should be advocating replacing all these damn coal plants with nuclear plants. Every… single… one… Build the new 5th-gen Nuc plant right in the spot where the coal one was if possible. Convert the rest of the coal industry into producing LPG or coal gasification. That way none of these precious coal jobs are lost and the GOP and others can stop pandering to coal industry lobbyists.

IMO this is a clear win-win even if AGW was not an issue.