
Joe the Plumber: 'McCain Used Me'

Gus2/14/2010 11:40:35 pm PST

re: #277 iceweasel

The whole discussion was on some wingnut blog and everyone was insisting they make WAY over 250K a year, and to spite Obama (??) they would only bring in 200K a year or less. Several other fantasies about ‘living off the grid” and “going Galt” as well.

Massive hilarity ensued. I only know about it because several lefty blogs picked it up and mocked them.

Wow. A blog full of neurosurgeons. How does one go from making 250K plus a year to “going off the grid?” If they were a dentist that might mean you would be turning away new patients. Thus, they would be changing their business plan and in the long run that would change things so drastically that they may end up making well less than 200K per year because of the negative impact.

Average dentist salary doesn’t even break 200K with 20 years of business. Nah, something doesn’t smell right.