
Tuesday Night Open

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/10/2010 6:47:43 am PST

re: #278 sattv4u2

Agree. I stated way upthread that the time to fight over/ amend this stuff is in BETWEEN elections, not during

And right now, it’s vague.

You “understand”ing is wrong. I’ve stated many times I have no horse in this race nor do I care ((either will caucus with the repubs,,,and I really didn’t follow the Alaska race to have a preference))

You do realize that you’re taking the side of Miller’s lawyers, right? Even though you have no horse in this race?

The only “argument” I made is that the statute states “as it appears”,, NOt “as close as it appears”. It also states are mandatory and there are no exceptions to them

I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. It does not say ‘as it appears’ when referring to the last name being written.

You’re simply wrong.