
Sunday Afternoon Open

CuriousLurker3/06/2011 8:14:59 pm PST

re: #276 Gus 802

Yep. Or more specifically if you’re a) an evangelical Christian and/or b) his particular brand of Christian. I don’t think your average Sunday Christian wants to be reading all of that gibberish (from a politician no less) either.

Frankly, I’m sick and tired of laymen masquerading as theologians or clergymen. Especially all of these poser Republicans. This all started in the 1980s and coincided with the growth of the religious right and televangelism.

You really should read Republican Gomorrah if you haven’t yet. The Kindle edition is on sale dirt cheap right now. It goes into all the connections going way back, and exposes the rank hypocrisy of most of these yahoos.