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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/02/2012 9:09:32 pm PST

Michele Bachmann meets media — and voters — at Valley Junction

When prompted by a reporter’s question, she called out every one of her Republican rivals by name, and offered a rationale for why they couldn’t or shouldn’t be trusted with the party’s nomination. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are tainted by records of support for an individual mandate to purchase health insurance, she said. Rick Perry has a history of “crony capitalism.” Ron Paul is wrong on national defense.

To knock Rick Santorum — a fellow social conservative whom Bachmann has criticized very little but who has surged in late-race polling — she referenced his 2004 endorsement of Arlen Specter, a moderate Republican who later switched parties to become a Democrat. She also accused him of supporting earmarks, spending projects secured by lawmakers to benefit their home districts.

OMG, imagine a Republican in a state actually endorsing another Republican!

If that is the worst she can come up with in criticizing Santorum then no wonder he’s stealing her support.