
Kerry Faces the House of Representatives

Kragar9/04/2013 12:23:02 pm PDT

Kerry Blows Up At GOP Rep For Harping On Benghazi At Syria Hearing

“I cannot discuss the possibility of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war without talking about Benghazi,” Duncan said, questioning Kerry at a Wednesday hearing.

“The administration has a serious credibility issue with the American people, due to the unanswered questions surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi almost a year ago. When you factor in the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the AP and James Rosen issues, Fast and Furious and NSA spying programs, the bottom line is that there is a need for accountability and trust-building from the administration,” he said. “The American people deserve answers about Benghazi before we move forward in Syria’s civil war.”

That set off Kerry, who forcefully condemned Duncan for his claims.

“I’m not going to sit here and be told by you that I don’t have a set of — a sense of what the judgment is,” he said. “We are talking about people being killed by gas and you want to go talk about Benghazi and Fast and Furious.”