
Law Firm Drops Mark Steyn and National Review in Climate Change Denial Suit

lawhawk1/24/2014 10:51:55 am PST

re: #22 Ryan King

I have a giant Polar Vortex of Shadenfruede going right now.

Steyn will still turn this into fodder for his schtick, but I have to laugh when he gets nailed. I hope Mann hammers him, really hard.

Local weather doesn’t prove/disprove global warming.

But if you’re (and by you, I mean global warming denialists) going to claim that the polar vortex is proof global warming doesn’t exist, explain the record heat in Australia, the record heat in NYC just a week ago (in between the two polar vortices), and the fact that it’s warmer in Alaska than NYC. Or Florida.

Fact is that global temperature averages show an indisputable increase over time - it’s trending up. And the last 30+ years of global temps have all been above the long term averages.