
Officials in Bergdahl's Town Deluged With Hateful Right Wing Phone Calls, Cancel Celebration

Blind Frog Belly White6/04/2014 1:57:45 pm PDT

re: #6 Kragar

But they “support the troops”

Someone linked to a Salon (or Slate, I mix them up all the time) post yesterday about the Right’s view of those in the military - they worship them as heroes, until they do or say something that ISN’T according to the RW script, whether it’s protesting against a war, supporting gay rights, or just supporting Obama. THEN they HATE them with the white hot heat of a thousand suns.

It pointed out that love can turn to hate in an instant, and be every bit as intense, if not more so.

Another point is that the Right worships servicemen and women in the abstract, not as real, flesh and blood individuals. It’s almost part of their religion that soldiers are the absolute essence of America, and thus a REAL soldier would believe exactly as they do - hence the belief that the military would not put down an armed insurrection by the Right - so if one DOES, he’s not just an apostate, he’s like Satan, turning away from All That Is Good, and so that much more deserving of hatred and enmity.

Interesting pathology.