
Blogger Chuck C. Johnson Suspended From Twitter Again For Posting Private Info

goddamnedfrank10/14/2014 6:51:55 am PDT

re: #15 b.d.

How do Twitter suspensions work? Do the timeouts get longer? When is gone = gone?

I’m not sure. There’s probably some measure of how egregious the infraction is. A lot of the aggressive swarming and following is fairly subjective. Twitter can monitor it but it’s probably hard to set a clear, objective limit and distinguish obviously abusive behavior from what might be innocent.

What Chuck has done here however was clearly and objectively a flagrant, recidivist flaunting of Twitter’s policy. He not only got suspended for the identical thing in the last week, but when his account was reinstated he made it 100% clear that in his opinion he was right and Twitter was wrong, and that he planned to do the same thing again. Then he did it again, and tried to hide behind pathetic pettifoggery, claiming that posting the address behind a link to his site wasn’t the same as posting it “on Twitter.”

If Twitter is stupid enough to let him back they should expect him to fuck with their rules again, and again. He clearly has no intention of conducting himself respectfully.