
Fox's Fake Psychoanalyst Dr. Ablow: Obama Sees America as "Bigger Threat" Than Terrorism

Dragonomics2/17/2015 11:25:06 am PST

Fox News makes me feel like I’m drowning. I despair that people eat this stuff up, digest it and then go about their day regurgitating the poison on others. Their deceit, truth-twisting and omissions of facts are well documented, but still they carry on, and their viewers, undeterred, believe every word. And the sad part is, I think that’s what Fox News wants. They want progressives to despair. They want liberals to feel as if they’re drowning in the relentless deluge of toxic bull crap. They have me right where they want me: feeling helpless in the face of their monstrous lies. At least there are places like this, LGF, where a little illumination scatters their ignorant darkness, and gives me some hope that they won’t win in the end.