
Elizabeth Warren Will Skip Netanyahu's Speech

CuriousLurker3/02/2015 6:42:30 pm PST

Sorry to go OT so early in the thread, but this burns me up:

From the article:

A Cypress Bay High School French teacher could lose her job after allegedly calling a Muslim student a “[bigoted word] Taliban.”

The Broward School Board will hear from the student’s father on Tuesday. The board is expected to take disciplinary action during its March 17 meeting.

Youssef Wardani, father of 14-year-old Deyab-Houssein Wardani, is pressing for the firing or suspension of Cypress Bay High School teacher Maria Valdes for her remark. […]

Regarding a February 10 meeting with the teacher:

Wardani said the meeting was less than productive.

“Her apology was robotic and empty and rehearsed,” he said. “She said it was an innocent joke and then started rolling her eyes and was huffing and puffing when I asked her questions. […]

Following the meeting Wardani was asked what outcome he wanted. He told school administrators he wanted the teacher fired or suspended for a year without pay. And, he wanted a public apology.

“They told me that the best I could hope for was a letter in her personnel file” due to teacher’s union rules, he said. […]

A joke? Really? Hmm, let’s see—the teacher’s name is Maria Valdes… What do you suppose would happen if (as an “innocent joke”, mind you) a student called her a spic or a beaner in front of the class?