
Tim Cook: 'Religious Freedom' Laws Are Discriminatory and Dangerous

Kragar3/29/2015 10:59:46 pm PDT

Ryan is keenly aware that many U.S. Veterans are un- or underemployed, and would benefit profoundly from the opportunity to serve in another capacity—one that would save lives. With his military experience, he’s able to speak directly to the unique skills that veterans can bring to anti-poaching efforts. He interviewed his colleagues and saw the difficulties and frustrations of men and women who are highly skilled in combat-related areas, but unable to leverage those skills in a conventional civilian setting. They have a continuing dedication to serve others, and Ryan helps them channel it.

That is when he decided to create

VETPAW empowers African park rangers by training and implementing the skills that are vital to the success of anti-poaching efforts. Rangers are able to cover vast areas more efficiently and effectively, increasing the number of poachers deterred or detained.

187 African Park Rangers will killed when trying to intervine with Rhino poachers last year alone. This is a very dangerous mission, one that will put the Vetpaws team in direct contact with a known enemy that is reportedly funded by Boko Haram and Al Qaeda.