
Breitbart's John Nolte Says Bill O'Reilly is Nuts, Pamela Geller Is Just Like Jesus

Ian G.5/08/2015 8:38:34 pm PDT

Heh. I posted the Geller-Choudary screaming match on my Facebook profile and compared it to Jerry Springer and referred to both Geller and Choudary as “fascist maniacs”. Someone was utterly appalled that I would compared Geller to Choudary (I guess this guy is a fan of hers, he leans right, but I always figured that it was a Wall street Swinging dick kind of right, not a paranoid “the Muslims are coming!” kind of right).

So I went to look for incriminating stuff on Geller, and boy, it’s really easy to find her insane gibberish defending the persecuted martyrs Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, and her sweeping denial of the massacre at Srebrenica. She doesn’t do any talking out of both sides of her mouth, she screams the genocide denial from the top of her lungs at her blog!

Let’s see if I get any response….