
Don Henley Live on Austin City Limits: "The Heart of the Matter"

goddamnedfrank10/24/2015 3:59:32 pm PDT

Tunney is a ridiculous ignorant apologist for Auernheimer’s racism.

1.) Weev’s anti semitism long predates his prosecution and imprisonment.

I listened for a few more minutes as Weev held forth on the Federal Reserve and about Jews. Unlike Fortuny, he made no attempt to reconcile his trolling with conventional social norms.

I met their friend Kate, who has been repeatedly banned from playing XBox Live for racist slurs, which she also enjoys screaming at white pedestrians. Kate checked my head for lice and kept calling me “Jew.”

2.) Jews did not put him in prison, and Weev’s story of his prosecutor bringing their entire synagog to witness his trial is simply a ridiculous, Star Chamber evoking fantasy he sells to like minded idiot racists.

3.) If his home was bulldozed it either was never his or because he defaulted on the payments and it was foreclosed, making it no longer his. It’s again party of a patently ridiculous story he sells to ignorant, easily manipulated fools like Tunney.

Tunny has no real education combined with a desire to be seen as far more widely read and capable than she really is. She’s a classic egotistical pseudo intellectual, who sees association with Weev as an easy way to get attention via notoriety. She also pronounces subterfuge without the b (ie as sutterfuge) because apparently she looked around and realized wasn’t quite awful enough without that retarded affectation.