
Pastor Hosting Conference With Huckabee, Cruz and Jindal Says Gay Marriage Will Lead to Cannibalism

b_sharp11/03/2015 3:42:37 pm PST

re: #25 lawhawk

A bunch of countries had gay marriage before the US Supreme Court legalized it (Netherlands going back to 2001; Belgium in 2003; South Africa in 2006, etc.). No signs of the apocalypse there. No cannibalism. No mass consumption of Soylent Green. A whole lot of nothing.

Except these folks thrive on the hate. It’s what they do.

So, to connect with their like minded herd-mentality, they’ve got to resort to ever more extreme outcomes.

There’s no word on what happens when none of this comes to pass. They’ll simply move on to the next outrageous outrage resulting in the apocalypse. Until the next one.

You haven’t seen what been going on up here, have you?

We even have cats & dogs living together.