
Another Trump Surrogate Pushes the "Muslim Brotherhood" Smear Against Khizr Khan

KerFuFFler8/01/2016 2:25:23 pm PDT

Now that polling is showing a shift in support towards Hillary, Trump needs to prepare a gigantic buffer to protect his ego———the “election was rigged” defense:

But Trump then suggested that November’s general election may not be on the up-and-up.

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged,” the Republican nominee told a town hall crowd in Columbus.

Of course when he loses he will not defer graciously to the will of the people. He will gnash his teeth and decry the vast conspiracy that robbed him of the presidency. Given how angry and gullible the core of his support is I hope this does not encourage a significant uptick in political violence. Candidates are supposed to accept their loss for the good of the country. I just cannot imagine the Donald giving a concession speech that does not sound like a call to arms. Then again, maybe he will just say, “Your loss……losers!!!”