
Seth Meyers Weighs in on the Worst Super-Rich Duo in the US: Robert and Rebekah Mercer

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/24/2017 7:48:34 pm PDT

re: #13 austin_blue

Here’s what I have noticed:

The shit comes off the fan so fast that what should have been scandalous (like the treatment of a war widow, family, and a friend who happens to be US Congresswoman) and been in the news cycle for a week, not even including the flat out lies told by the WH CoS, is, poof!, today, gone.

It’s uncanny. Drumpf and Kelly are suddenly off the hook because the outrageousness of today’s events have completely marginalized the putrid sack of shit from last week such that it is moot.

It may not be planned, and I certainly don’t think it is, but it works well enough in today’s news reporting environment that it *is* extremely effective. There are simply not enough reporters available to maintain awareness of last week’s/last month’s/last quarter’s crap to maintain focus on it AND keep up with the current crap.

Whether it is intentional on the part of the WH or not, it’s working.

We have the collective attention spans of gnats. Way too much and way too fast.

It’s not us. It’s a political Gish Gallop.

Mitt Romney tried it in his first debate with President Obama. After that debate, new rules were adopted to prevent Gish Gallops in presidential debates.

However, we now have a president employing the Gish Gallop as a strategy. This is by design. The idea is to keep you from focusing on one target by constantly changing the targets.