
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

lawhawk5/04/2009 10:04:51 am PDT

I’m sorry, but the Times seems to think that Specter is some form of a moderate. That is a misreading of Specter’s political position over the years.

He has, first and foremost, always done what is best for Specter to be reelected.

He has shown himself to be anything but a fiscal moderate - instead going into fiscal irresponsibility with his support of the porkfest. Rather than seek out a reduced stimulus package that made sense fiscally, he went with the Democrat liberal tax and spenders.

On social issues, he’s indeed been in the moderate wing of the GOP (a Rockefeller East Coast GOPer), but with his fiscal positions now hemming closer to the left fring of the Democrats, there was essentially no difference between him and Democrats.

So, when Toomey’s challenge came from the right, instead of standing and fighting on the GOP line, he cut and ran to the left. How exactly is that standing up for the GOP? It isn’t.

It is what Specter did to benefit his own political fortunes, not what was best for the GOP.