
Kook-Fishing with Barrett Brown

Randall Gross10/26/2009 6:13:01 pm PDT

She / he / it is going the “Controversy justified but doesn’t matter however he might be a sekret muslim” route.

First is the status of one’s birth. In Islam, if your father was Muslim, than you are considered by that faith, a Muslim, until the day you die, or the day you renounce Islam (and in Islam, those days tend to fall on the SAME day). Obama Senior’s father was Muslim. Thus Obama Senior was, regardless of the intensity of his devotion, a Muslim. Since Senior was a Muslim, Junior was born Muslim as well. That sets this ball rolling.

While in Indonesia, Obama Junior attending schools that taught Islam, which is common in schools in Muslim-leaning countries, and Indonesia had a large Muslim population, of which Obama’s adopted step-father was a member.

But then, later in life, Obama says he converted, joining Jeremiah Wright’s church…not exactly a Christian church, judging from the sermons we’ve all been made aware of, but still, Obama claims that he left Islam.