
Overnight Open

Barrett Brown3/28/2010 11:48:06 pm PDT

Howdy, all-

For those of you who remember me, uh, howdy again. For those who don’t, I’ve worked with Charles on some things such as getting Robert Stacy McCain exposed as a white supremacist (although we seem to have accidentally helped him get back on with the Washington Times by doing so, lollimus maximus), and did a profile on him for Vanity Fair; I also write for HuffPo, Skeptic, Skeptical Inquirer, True/Slant, and now The New York Observer.

At the end of the VF profile, I alluded to a project with which Charles is working with me, and which I’m about to announce more formerly. Project PM is an effort to increase the reach and influence of the better portions of the blogosphere while also reducing the influence of such commentators as Thomas Friedman and Charles Krauthammer along with other pundits and outlets which have failed to properly perform their duties in informing the citizenry. The project is centered around a network of bloggers, both independent and associated with mainstream outlets, and chosen by virtue of their intellectual honesty and competence. The network differs largely from existing mediums, and we believe that its unique structure, coupled with its participants, has the potential to make a significant impact on information flow.

In addition to the blogger network - which will begin with a core group of people like former Newsweek Baghdad correspondent Michael Hastings and Huffington Post blogger and radio host Allison Kilkenny, I’m establishing a sub-network of non-bloggers to serve as a legislative body which will make necessary decisions as they arise as well as to incubate new ideas, monitor the manner in which the blogger network operates, and otherwise taking over from myself at some point after we launch a couple of months from now. I’m interested in having LGF readers serving in this sub-network along with others I’ve already brought on (note that joining does not entail any time commitment at all; participants need not participate, as the network won’t suffer from it) as well as in recruiting anyone with certain useful skill sets such as programming or anyone else who’d like to help out, if only by spreading the word.

Some details may be found here, or feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks for your time.