
Outrageous Outrage of the Minute

Racer X5/29/2010 10:27:18 am PDT

The Right hates Obama - no matter what he does.
The Left loves Obama - no matter what he does.

Exhibit A:
The AZ immigration law flap. The left gets all in a tizzy over what they perceive the law will do. OUTRAGE from the left! OUTRAGE from the Right because Obama criticized a law he never read.

Obama meets with members of the GOP - they want him to do more to secure the border and reduce related crime. He does not commit to anything. The next day he announces he is sending 1200 National Guard troops to help with border security, and will provide $500 Million in border funding.

Crickets from the Left. No outrage over the increase in troops.
Crickets from the Right. No props for increasing troops and funding to help with border security.

The guy just cannot win friends from the Right.

Obama could use some tips on how to politically spin things.