
BBC 'This World': Geert Wilders, Europe's Most Dangerous Man

Bob Levin2/17/2011 5:53:45 am PST

re: #26 Obdicut

So is your real claim that Jimmah (and I assume others) don’t know how to best combat the iceberg, because nobody does? That’s really not how it came across.

Okay, my bad. I’m trying to say that we, Jews, haven’t faced this issue squarely, and are at a loss for answers on how to deal with it. That’s why it’s grown back. If we don’t have the answers, how can we expect others to have them?

I do not think that wanting to know more about Wilders connections in Israel is, by its nature, an invisible, subtle attempt to promote antisemitism. I think there is currently, sadly, a problem with politicians in Israel making nice with far-right lunatics in Europe, including those who are themselves antisemitic. This is a real thing, this is actually happening. Recognizing that it is happening is not antisemitism; I think the show could have put Wilders into a better context of the other right-wing associations that Israel has recently made, including the anti-semitic ones, but the basic point is true.

I think you raise two issues. One, how wise are Israeli politicians? I wouldn’t know, but my hopes are not high. Two, is wanting to know more about Wilders’ connection to Israel promoting/related to antisemitism? The curiosity is kind of like a dandelion seed, sort of floats to the ground. I wouldn’t want those type of seeds taking root in my thoughts. The better question regarding Wilder would be, how do you stop this? Not, how is this guy connected to Israel? The show did a good job of raising the latter question.

I agree that the show could have done quite a few things better.

This is a huge problem for Europe, and it’s absolutely true that this creates a caste system.

Okay, I have a question. A caste system means that there is no social mobility, but you followed up by saying there is more social mobility in Europe. Could you clarify that? It was looking like there is a caste conflict in Europe, with Wilder leading the caste right above the immigrants. I’ve never seen that level of animosity between groups in the US. That looked pretty dangerous, and in the past, it has been evil beyond words.

No I don’t think that the US has achieved any kind of parity—but we all know of many instances where someone rises through barriers as if there are no barriers. It takes very hard work, but it’s been done so many times. The immigrant experience made America into a great country. And you’re saying that it’s easier to do that in Europe? Again, a genuine question.

Thanks for your time, I’ve got to be away from the computer for some time. Sorry for any misunderstandings.