
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

Ming4/04/2011 4:05:15 pm PDT

I’m not at all sure that I understand what the US is doing in Afghanistan. We’ve been there for about 9 and a half years now! Maybe we use Afghanistan as a base for forays into Pakistan and Iran. Maybe Afghanistan and Iraq are how we bracket Iran on 2 sides. I have no idea. But this is not how the United States, supposedly a democracy, should work. Our President should explain to the people what on earth we are doing in Afghanistan. Also, we should SEPARATE the ideas of war and nation-building. If we have enemies in or near Afghanistan, let’s fight them. But let’s not pretend we’re building a new, democratic Afghanistan. That’s insulting to the Afghans themselves, and by now, it’s so silly, it’s insulting to us as well.