
Breaking: Newt Gingrich's Campaign Staff Resigns En Masse

Kragar6/09/2011 12:35:39 pm PDT

re: #22 Lidane

No kidding. Whatever it is, it’s bigger than a six figure revolving balance at Tiffany’s.

You mean the bribe from the diamond mining industry?

Gingrich’s ex-aide is a Tiffany’s lobbyist

Christy Evans, formerly a top staffer to then-whip Newt Gingrich, is a registered lobbyist for Tiffany’s, the high-end jeweler where Gingrich and his wife enjoy an extraordinary line of credit.

Evans, former floor assistant to Gingrich and now a lobbyist at the legendary K Street firm Cassidy & Associates, has represented Tiffany’s on mining issues since 2000, according to lobbying filings. The Gingriches have benefitted from a $250,000 line of credit at Tiffany’s — essentially an interest-free loan.

Felix Salmon at Reuters points to this report that Callista Gingrich was benefitting from this line of credit while serving on the House Agriculture — while Tiffany’s was lobbying agencies over which the Ag Committee had jurisdiction.